Questions Answered: How much do you charge?

One of the most commonly asked questions that I get when I tell someone that I'm a travel agent or begin working with a client is "How much do you charge for your services?"  

It almost sounds too good to be true when I respond that I don't charge ANYTHING.  However, that is the case... I really don't charge anything.  Not all travel agents offer their services for free, but for now, this is something that I have chosen to do.  

So how do I make money doing this? When you book a trip with me, those hotels, resorts or cruise lines pay me a commission for booking with them.  I don't raise your price in order to cover my commission, you pay the same price (often even less!) when you book a trip with me versus booking on your own.  I understand that everyone wants to get the best deal & the most for their money so I search many different suppliers, dates & hotels/resorts to get the best deals available.  I have access to lots of "agent only" discounts that I love passing on to my clients.  If you happen to find a better deal than I can get you, I work hard to meet or beat that price for you.  

I also would never try to persuade you to book at a certain place just because they pay a higher commission.  To be honest, most places pay pretty equal when it comes to commission.  What is more important to me is that we plan a vacation that you are going to love.  My hope is that you find that planning vacations is so much easier when working with me, that you'll continue letting me help you in the future and even spread the word to your friends and family.

There really is nothing to lose (and a lot to gain!) by booking your vacations with me.  If you've never worked with a travel agent before because you thought it would cost you more, I would love to show you just how priceless (& FREE) my help can be.  Contact me to get started on planning your next adventure!