Destination Spotlight: The Bahamas

The next destination that I wanted to spotlight is the Bahamas.  The Bahamas are actually made up of over 700 islands and cays, some packed with resorts and some uninhabited. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, these beautiful islands begin at just 50 miles off the coast of Florida.  The Bahamas are known for having some of the clearest water on the planet, as well as powder-fine sand beaches.  They truly are a sight to see.  

The Bahamas have a warm and winter-less climate.  They see an average of 340 days of sunlight annually.  The wettest months are in the summer months of May & June, while they see a little bit cooler evenings in December thru February.  Average temperatures range anywhere from 70-90 degrees.

The official language of the Bahamas is English and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar.  Both are accepted throughout the islands, so there's no need to exchange money.  If you decide to rent a car and go exploring on your own, British driving laws are enforced, so plan on driving on the left side of the road.  Most of the major islands have duty-free shopping, saving you 25-50% off of U.S. prices.  

Whether you visit the larger, more popular islands of Grand Bahama Island or Nassau Paradise Island, or the more secluded islands of Mayaguana or Cat Island, each island has unique characteristics and offerings for everyone.  While it may seem overwhelming to choose just where to visit in the Bahamas, I can help you narrow down which island(s) are perfect for you based on your interests.  Scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, sailing and environmental tours are just a few of the options available in the Bahamas.  You can even swim with pigs on Big Major Cay off the Exuma island!

As far as accommodations go, there are many different types to choose from.  Some of the larger islands have a variety of all-inclusive and other resorts, while many of the smaller islands have smaller boutique hotels, guest houses and rental homes.  Several of the islands have their own airports, making it easy to travel to, but another popular option is to visit by cruise ship.  Several of the major cruise lines like Royal Caribbean, Norwegian and Disney all have private islands in the Bahamas that only passengers may visit.  

I recently completed the Bahamas Specialist program, which means I am now a certified Bahamas Specialist, and I would love to help you plan a vacation so that you can see these beautiful islands for yourself.  Contact me for more information.