Questions Answered: What does a travel agent do? Why should I plan & book my trip with you?


I talk with people all the time who have never used a travel agent and don't really understand the advantages of using one.  Many years ago, if you wanted to travel out of the country, you pretty much had to use a travel agent.  Now that everyone has access to the internet, a lot of people feel like they can book whatever they need on their own, but what they soon realize is that planning a trip is time-consuming and complicated.  Travel agents simplify the process.  We provide expertise and help plan entire travel packages.  I take my knowledge about different areas and resorts, combined with what you tell me you're looking for, to help you plan the perfect vacation. 

Here's a list of some of the many things that I do to for my clients...

-research different locations, resorts, hotels, airlines and anything else the client is looking for.  I belong to a large network of travel experts, so if I have no personal experience with something you're looking for, I know several people who do.  In addition, I research every detail of everything about your trip, saving you precious time.

-search for the best prices.  Not only do I search for the best prices, I often get discounts only offered to travel agents that I can then pass along to you.  Find a great deal online?  I can let you know if it's a scam or usually match or beat your price if it's not.

-help you make the best informed decisions to get the most value for your vacation dollars.  There are tons of resort and hotel options available.  I can help steer you away from ones that you're probably not going to enjoy and help you find the ones that have everything you're looking for.

-make all travel arrangements.  I book flights, cruises, rental cars, hotels, resorts, transfers to/from the airport to most Mexican & Caribbean resorts, travel insurance, excursions, train tickets, bed & breakfasts, vacation homes/condos and so much more.

-relay important weather information, travel advisories or required travel documents.  I keep up with the latest travel related news and pass any information pertaining to your trip on to you.

-watch to see if your reservation goes on sale, saving you even more money.  Many travel insurance policies offer "price change guarantees".  This means that if the price of your particular trip goes down, you get the savings as well.  

-set up payment plans.  With most of my resort and cruise bookings, you just have to put down a small deposit, make as many payments as you want, then pay the remaining balance 45-60 days before departure.  

-become your personal advocate when unexpected things happen while you're on vacation.  Flight cancelled?  No worries.  I'll get on the phone & find you a new one.  Need to make a travel insurance claim?  I work on behalf of you.  

-educate you about destinations that might be just what you're looking for.  My hope is to educate my clients (present and future) about many different possible locations to travel to.  I have a feature on my blog called "Destination Spotlight" for this reason.  Every couple of weeks I spotlight a new location that I recommend in Mexico, the Caribbean or the United States and give you information about that area.  This gives you one less thing to have to research when planning a vacation.


As you can see, my help can be invaluable.  As I've discussed before on my blog, I don't charge anything for any of these services.  Instead, I can save you time and money.  

Want to know more about what kind of travel I specialize in? Currently, I specialize in mostly leisure travel for individuals, couples, families, groups and corporations.  I have the most expertise in Mexico & Caribbean resorts, Disney World Resort and several destinations across the United States.

If you have any other questions or would like help booking your next vacation, contact me.  I would love to help you plan your trip.